April 2016 Extra Edition
Your Organic Garden
foundation for organic gardening is biodiversity. In the wild, a variety of
plants and wildlife exist interdependently-providing shelter, moisture,
continual bloom when pollen is available for insects, and support for all the
creatures within the system.
can apply the biodiversity principle at home by following these key steps in
organic gardening:
- Build-up the soil
- Use natural fertilizer and pest
- Choose companion plants for
your climate zone
- Arrange plants so they provide
a habitat for insects and wildlife that actually benefit garden health.
you combine these principles with good gardening habits, you'll soon have an
organic green thumb (and lots of delicious, good-for-you vegetables to eat)!
It's Not Just Dirt!
the difference between how the organic gardener feeds a garden compared to the
conventional gardener? The conventional gardener feeds the plant (with
chemicals from a lab), while the organic gardener feeds the soil.
is living
matter full of as many as 50
billion microscopic plants and organisms! Soil, and the creatures living in it,
requires air and water to thrive. If you don't know the condition of your soil,
contact your local master gardening organization, or university agriculture
department-both will usually test soil for free or a nominal fee. When buying
soil, you want it largely composed of organic material (read the package
maintain and protect organic soil:
- Continually feed with organic
matter-compost, manure, leaves, straw, and grass clippings.
- Weed regularly.
- Incorporate companion plants
that naturally tame weed growth.
- Check plant packaging or a
regional organic gardening guide to learn how to properly select and space
plants to best match the yield you want from your garden.
- Use mulch.
Protect Against Pests and Fertilize, Naturally
Synthetic herbicides and insecticides seep into groundwater, affect the health of wildlife and plants, and can contaminate your food. These chemicals also kill off beneficial insects that are part of nature's pest control system.
Synthetic herbicides and insecticides seep into groundwater, affect the health of wildlife and plants, and can contaminate your food. These chemicals also kill off beneficial insects that are part of nature's pest control system.
fertilizers are not recommended for an organic garden because residual
chemicals, including salts, can interfere with plant growth and even build-up
in lawns. For example, quick-release high nitrogen fertilizers produce lush
foliage but damage root structure - a plant's only way to extract nutrients.
Your best defense
against pests is preventing a problem to begin with. You can accomplish this in
a number of ways, all of which will invite natural enemies of pests into your
growing area. Plus, these are great practices for any size garden:
- Carefully select plants for your
climate zone, build-up your soil and plant in appropriate light/shade and
space for the growing season.
- Water early in the day, not at
night. Keep water in the root zone, not aimed at the plant.
- Maintain "plant personal
space." Prune plants and weed to maintain good air circulation and
prevent crowding, which can spread disease.
- Use netting or chicken wire to
keep out pests that scurry around your yard.
- Learn to properly use
botanicals from plants or minerals that are toxic to plant predatory
insects (ex. Neem, essential oils).
More Ways to Earn Your Organic Green Thumb
Once your soil is in good condition and you’re ready to plant, follow these tips to start, and keep, your organic garden growing.
Prepare & Maintain: Clean-up your garden area in the fall. Remove all debris and weeds from a vegetable garden. Do not compost weeds - you might transfer seeds to your compost pile. Prep the soil. In spring and summer maintain weeding and mulching. If you don't have a local seed supplier, check online for a seed catalog and order early.
Right Plant, Right Place, Right Time. Decide if you will start from seed or young plant. Planting time will vary. Choose plants based on your growing zone, which is shown on the seed packaging or found online. Consider a vegetable plant's need for light/shade, moisture and the weather patterns typical for your area. Check the yield on the packaging for plants that you intend to grow. Some plants produce rapidly, such as cucumbers and tomatoes.
Go Native. It makes sense to use plants that are known to successfully grow in your area. Native species, seeds or plants, can be found at local growers and community supported agriculture (CSA) farms. These farmers can also tell you if a native plant has been prone to disease in your area.
Go Disease-Resistant. Certain varieties of vegetables are the superheroes of disease resistance, and are easy to grow. A partial list: Green beans, snap beans, yellow wax beans, cucumbers, Zucchini elite, black magic eggplant, Lady Bell Pepper; Klondike Yellow Bell; Cubanelle, Italian Sweet, Cherry Sweet. Tomato- Jet Star, Jackpot, Super steak, Super sweet Cherry, Cherry Presto.
Companions. Include, and properly space, a variety of companion plants - herbs and flowers - with your vegetables, according to your growing zone. For example, dill and parsley can be planted near your vegetable garden to attract beneficial insects and enhance biodiversity.
Keep a Garden Journal. Note weather patterns, combinations of plants and effects on growth and pest control. Record the yield from your plants and their quality (appearance and taste). Take photos throughout the growing season.
The information offered
by this newsletter is presented for educational purposes. Nothing contained
within should be construed as nor is intended to be used for medical diagnosis
or treatment. This information should not be used in place of the advice of your
physician or other qualified health care provider. Always consult with your
physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new
treatment, diet or fitness program. You should never disregard medical advice
or delay in seeking it because of any information contained within this