have a passion for providing Nutrition Services for People with Developmental Disorders;
it is such an important piece to improving the lives of those affected.
is a list of some Brain foods and how they benefit us.
Beans - May benefit asthmatics, Good protein source for vegetarians, Boosts
memory, Prevents diabetes, obesity and heart disease
Blueberries -
Packed with disease fighting antioxidants, Boosts brainpower, Helps improve
Broccoli -
Prevents stomach problems, Protects eyes and skin from sunlight, Helps prevent
cancer and heart disease
Brown Rice - Promotes good sleep, Prevents constipation, Eases asthma, Prevents
cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity
Carrots - Helps eyesight, Boosts immunity, Aids healthy lungs
Chicken - Great for cell growth and repair, Boosts immunity, aids in good sleep and
reduces stress. Eat Organic Grass Fed Chicken.
Kiwi - Healthy breathing, Repairs cells, Keeps eyes healthy
Omega 3 fatty acids -
Improves brain function and memory, Lessens the effects of ADD and ADHD.
Sources are Wild Fish and Fish Oils
Quinoa - Highest protein content of all grains, Good protein source for
vegetarians, High in Vitamin B, High in fiber and Gluten Free.
Sweet Potatoes - Prevents obesity and diabetes, Prevents constipation, Helps eye
sight, great for a sweet tooth
Tomatoes - The
Lycopene helps prevent Cancer, Eases asthma.